Saturday, December 6, 2008
Light Orbs and Childbirth
2 years ago, when my wife was in labor giving birth to my son, the same thing happened. Just before the doctors told her to start pushing, a light orb swooshed down through the wall and entered my wife. Once again, I didn't tell anyone what I saw. I was too caught up in my son's birth to even think much about it at the time.
I think that this may be the soul entering the baby at the time of birth. Part of me doesn't like what this implies. I'd like to believe that the fetus reactions to noises, etc. is due to consciousness and that life starts earlier. If life really starts at birth then it has major implications. Does anyone know of anybody else who has experienced these light orbs during child-birth?
Sleep Apnea and REM Sleep
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Diary: Sleep Apnea
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
What's Wrong with Kentucky?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Dream - The Book of Infinite Wisdom
and went to the shelf. It was hidden on the shelf, stashed behind a glass pain that was holding up lots of papers and a sculpture bust. The book was about 2 feet tall and 1.5 feet wide and 6 inches thick. Many of the pages were printed in mirror image, backwards. There were numerous wonderful plate etchings with tissue paper draping over, protecting the print. I couldn't figure out if it was an evil book or not. In some ways it looked like an encyclopedia of arcane knowledge but it also seemed to have a story flow to it. I checked out the book and brought it home to read. ON the way home, I witnessed a fractal where a couple of people walking near by were duplicated in tiny images that floated about looking like the fluffy puffs from blowing on a dandelion weed. Once in doors, I opened the book up and sat it on a coffee table. I began to read. My mother was there. As I turned each page, many broke loose from their binding. The book was probably hundreds of years old and very fragile. I wondered if I could return it to the library in this condition or what the fine would be if I were to keep it, claiming it to be lost. A roaring began. My mother yelled for us all to run to the basement. We went outside (now at my grandfather's house) to go around to the side door leading into the basement. I could see a tornado near-by. I started the think that it was a dream. I wondered what the storm represented. Tornadoes are usually representing change. But what change might take place at my grandfather's house????
Friday, August 29, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Existence 101
Thursday, August 7, 2008
The Parable of the Marijuana Seed
...Jason sat on the table, putting his feet on the chair. He turned to the young pot-heads and told another parable: “Theology is like a marijuana seed.” This got their attention. “The marijuana seed contains no THC. For those of you who don’t know, THC is the chemical in pot that gets you high. One day, a young man took a marijuana seed and planted it in a wooded area. With a little nurturing, it grew into a big beautiful cannabis plant. The plant provided enough free bud to turn on him and all of his friends. Like the seed’s latent THC, each of you contains a divine spark. Nurture this spark into a flame and light up all that you come into contact with."
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Dream - Child Subject Matter Expert
Interpretation: This dream reflects my current working environment. I'm identifying subject matter experts to assist me at various manufacturing locations. Often while traveling, we frequent bars. So, it makes sense to mix the two. Some of the subject matter experts are clerical workers rather than middle management. They might not be the ones allowed to make decisions, but they are indeed the ones who know how things really work behind the scenes. So, in a way, they are seen as naive yet in reality they are prodigies. The child's father then would be like these experts' bosses who are sometimes reluctant to let them dedicate time to a high profile and very important project. I suppose worry about my own boss was simply questioning if I'd made the right decisions and how my boss would feel about the people I chose. I find it interesting that I exited through the back door rather than the main entrance. What was I doing out there? Was this an escape? Or simply finding an easy out?
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Dream - Taking the Family to Tijuana
Details are vague. Likely due to my upcoming business trip to Mexico. That plus having just returned from a business trip to France on which I did take family.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Dream - Foursome
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Dream - Baseball sized hail
Monday, June 30, 2008
Catacombs of Paris
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Dreams - Underground Party & Yertle Dies & Python
I'm uncertain as to what country this dream took place in. I was at a huge rave-like party. Sitting on the edge of the stage was a box full of various pills and quarter blotter sheets (25 hits each). As I rummaged through the box, I picked up 4 or 5 quarter sheets with various signature pictures. I wasn't wanting to do the acid in this setting but thought nobody would notice if I pocketed some for later. Just then, a woman ran into the party and exclaimed that the cops were on their way and that everyone should get the hell out. Acid in hand, I headed out the door and down the street.
Soon, I was at an airport. Apparently, I had to either fly home or back to whatever country I was working in at the time. I recall setting in the airport contemplating whether the doses were worth smuggling. I knew that there was no scent or way to detect them but also knew the consequences if I were caught.
FYI - I've not done acid in about a decade.... I think it comes up often in dreams because the dream state is so similar to the acid state.
Yertle is our pet turtle. In consensus reality, she has only one head. In the dream, she had two heads. In consensus reality, she lives in a terrarium. In the dream, she lived on top of a table. Yertle appeared very agitated. She kept diving off of the table, onto the floor. I repeatedly picked her up and told her that she was going to hurt herself if she didn't stay on the table. I set her on the table again. This time she walked over to the other side of the table, next to a large red and yellow snake/lizard. The snake pounced on Yertle, swallowing her whole. Now, I understood why Yertle had been acting so crazy. Brandi, my wife, grabbed the snake and poked a pencil up it's butt, trying to push Yertle back out of it's mouth. She succeeded and freed Yertle. But, it was too late. Yertle was dead!
(vague) There was a cut in the hill, a 15 foot tall muddy cliff. Along the side of it was a giant python-like snake....
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Albert Hofmann Dies at Age 102
Hofmann who discovered LSD hoped that it would make an important contribution to psychiatric research. The drug exaggerated inner problems and conflicts and thus it was hoped that it might be used to recognize and treat mental illnesses like schizophrenia. Regardless, the U.S. government banned LSD in 1966 and other countries followed suit. Hofmann maintained this was unfair, arguing that the drug was not addictive. He repeatedly argued for the ban to be lifted to allow LSD to be used in medical research.
The focus of scientific LSD research has been primarily in relation to behavior modification. Some researchers have indicated that LSD assists with the imprint of new neuropathways, a state called imprint-vulnerability. This "vulnerability" is said to have been exploited by various governments in brain washing experiments. If research were directed in a more positive way, LSD might have proven useful not only in treatment of psychological problems but also for rehabilitation due to brain injury or strokes. But alas, until research is legalized, the world will never know the full potential of Hofmann's discovery.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Joke: Zen Dog
Answer: Make me one with everything.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Dream - Author of Book About a Temple
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The Acacia Tree
Today, many news organizations are writing about a recent article published in the Journal "Time and Mind". In this article, Benny Shanon, professor of cognitive psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, has concluded that psychedelics extracted from the Acacia tree may have been used by Moses and his followers. He believes that this helps explain the burning bush on top of Mount Sinai. One such article can be found here:
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Calling upon the four directions
To the East
Land of our dawn and birth
Bringer of the air
Bringer of the eagle of spring
To the South
Land of our youth and sun
Bringer of the fire
Bringer of the lion of summer
To the West
Land of the peoples twilight
Bringer of the water
Bringer of the dreaming bear of fall
To the North
Land of Grandmother midnight
Bringer of the earth
Bringer of the winter buffaloHo
Great Sprit
Earth, Air, Fire, and Sea
You are all around us
And you're inside of me.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Alan Watts: Music and Life
I've always been a big fan of Alan Watts. His book titled "The Book; On the Taboo Against Knowing Who you Are" is one of my favorite reality models.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Religious Art & Spring Break
During spring break back in 1992 a friend and I were at a party near Georgia Tech in Atlanta. Someone at the party said we should drive to Daytona. I thought it sounded like a great idea so the three of us left right then and started our 9 hour drive. Once in Daytona, we didn't even think about what hotel we were going to stay at. Instead, we just went to the beach and started partying. That evening, some fellow partiers asked what hotel we were staying at. I said that we had just gotten in town and didn't know where we were going to stay. He then offered us the sleeper sofa in their time-share on the beach. So, two of us slept on the fold-out bed and one of us on the floor. If we had planned the vacation, it'd have not been as cheap nor as fun. The next evening, blotter acid was being passed around. After a rather interesting trip, we began the drive home.
We decided to stop in St. Augustine to eat and possibly rest. We were still feeling a bit trippy. Saint Augustine was a really cool town and for some particular reason many people were in period costumes wondering the streets. We found ourselves in a beautiful garden within the walls of an old Spanish building that is now a college. Then, we wondered into a small old church that I think might have once been some sort of Spanish missionary. On one wall was a beautiful mural. The image was etched into my brain. When I got home, I drew it in my sketchbook but of course I took creative liberties when drawing it... the result is the picture above.
In the picture note the following:
- Coyote Howling at the Moon
- Naked Pagans Gathered under the Full Moon
- Ghandi Sitting bottom left
- Budha in Front
- Pan Resting
- Marijuana Growing in the Crevice
- Angel throwing down blotter hits depicting golden keys (or musical notes?)
- Nativity in the Middle with Virgin Mary adoring New Born Child.
- Nativity Goat with inverted pentagram looming over the baby Jesus.
I'm not sure what I intended by the subjects that I added to the nativity. I can only assume that they depict various other religions. Perhaps it represents the chaotic mismatch of religious beliefs. Maybe the demonic goat is a threat looming over the blissful child... you tell me what you think.
Robert Anton Wilson: About Timothy Leary
I met Timothy Leary back in 1992 at the Atlanta Hilton Towers. The first day, he struck me as extremely intelligent. He also had an aura about him where people who would normally hate him couldn't help but like him. In person, he didn't seem psycho as he is often portrayed on TV. On the second day, he was obviously fucked up... still getting high even in his 70's. Given his life challenges, his spirit was never broken. Good for you Tim. Good for you. May he rest in peace.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
From the sketchbook... Fractals of Consciousness

Dream - The Stars Said You'd be a Dreamer
My mother said to me, "D___, I'd like you to meet my sister." I was a bit confused and then realized that she meant that they were very close friends.
The lady said to me, "I'll be that you don't remember us." I recognized them as Lauren and Kay, friends of my parents when I was very young. I don't think I'd seen either of them since I was five years old. I said, "you are Lauren and Kay... Kate."
She corrected me, "Kate". Then she said, "Your mother sent me an e-mail the other day with a link to your son's blog. I noticed that the name in your e-mail address was neuronaut. This is why I wanted to meet you. I always knew you would be a dreamer. It was written in the stars when you were born. You see..." She then proceeded to explain the position of various stars and consolations at the time I was born. I don't really buy astrology and didn't really listen to what she was saying.
I interrupted her, "excuse me for not following all of this. I've had a long crazy trip today and am a little bit spacey."
She said, "I understand completely."
I asked, "how are your two children? As I recall you have a girl my age and a boy a little younger."
She corrected, "we have three children. Here is the newest addition to the family." And, she pointed at a small puppy in baby clothes being cuddled by Lauren next to her.
Comments: I am kicking myself for not picking up better on the queues. Almost the entire dream was a discussion about dreaming yet I never realized that I was asleep! If I had only realized that I was in a dream state, this could have become an intense lucid experience where I could have asked Lauren and Kay some serious questions about the dreaming mind!!!!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008
From the sketchbook...
Thursday, January 3, 2008
3 Steps to Interpreting Dreams as Joseph did...
From Maria Maldonado's Journal:
Mother Ursula told me that anyone could learn to interpret dreams, just as Joseph did in the Bible. She says the whole art is in three steps: first, one must learn to remember one's dreams; second, by meditating on them, one can eventually understand them; and third, with this knowledge mastered, one can begin to interpret the dreams of others.
To remember one's dreams, Mother Ursula says, it is necessary to keep foolscap by one's bed and write down all that one remembers of the night's dreams the very first thing upon waking. She says that if one does this every day, one remembers more every day.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Mind Puzzle Chain Mails
Count every " F " in the following text:
READ IT AGAIN ! The reasoning behind is further down. The brain cannot process "OF".
The following are a few pictures that were included. Each picture contains two words. I'm uncertain of the source of these pictures nor copyright status...
Dream Recall
In 1998, I began working a job that required me to wake early by alarm clock. The shock of an alarm clock made recall a bit more difficult than if I had awaken naturally. At this time, I also found myself living in a new town where I knew almost nobody. As a result, a mild depression set in. I was also struggling with many personal issues common to early adulthood.
At that time, I felt a need to let my subconscious mind work on its own without my meddling. For this reason, I really laid off of the soul searching for a while. I let myself get lost in life and stopped most dream work. Somehow, I felt that this was the right thing to do. I understand that this is dead opposite of what most mystics and shamans would have recommended. But, it seemed right at the time.
In the meantime, I did record dreams but usually only if they seemed extremely unusual and important. Now, in 2008, I am taking a renewed interest in how my mind works as well as the general relationship between mind and physical world.
My dream recall is no longer all that great. I remember now perhaps 4 dreams a week rather than 4 dreams each night. I've started meditating again upon occasion, but not on a regular schedule. Also, I am about to embark on a winter of working in Europe. Being in a different culture is a fantastic was to put your own version of reality into perspective. As such, I think that this coming year may be very interesting from a neuronautic standpoint.